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here are a few short sentences in the present perfect indicative.


HE VENIDO EN COCHE, NO EN EL TREN. = I have come by car, not by train
LA HE VISTO, PERO NO LA CONOZCO = I have see her, but I do not know her
SOLO HE VENIDO PARA PREGUNTARLE CUANDO PUEDE ACABARLO USTED = I have only come to ask when you can finish it
SE HA IDO SIN AGUARDAR LA RESPUETA = He has gone away without waiting for the answer.
ME HAN DETENIDO CASI DOS HORAS = They have detained me nearly two hours.
HA DORMIDO MÁS DE DIEZ HORAS = He has slept for more than ten hours
USTED. NO NOS HA DICHO LO QUE DEBÍAMOS HACER. = You have not told us what we ought to do
NO LA HE MANDADO AL CORREO TODAVÍA. = I have not sent it to the post yet.
¿ HA VISTO USTED. LA NUEVA MANZANA DE PISOS? = Have you seen the new block of flats.
HA IDO A VESTIRSE. = He has gone to dress himself
LE HE DEJADO GUARDAR TODOS LOS DOCUMENTOS.. = I have let him keep all the documents.
NO HEMOS VISTO NUNCA ESTA CLASE DE MÁQUINA. = We have never seen this kind of machine.
¿ NO ME HAN DICHO USTEDES. QUE ESTABAN SATISFECHOS?. = Did you not tell me that you were satisfied?.
NO HE TENIDO MUCHA OPORTUNIDAD DE HABLAR ESPAÑOL DESDE QUE VOLVÍ A INGLATERRA. = I have not had much opportunity of speaking Spanish since I came back to England..