website promotion




Here are a few short sentences in the Preterite tense


¿CUÁNDO VOLVÍO EL HOMBRE? = When did the man come home?
¿SE DIVIRTIERON USTEDES. AYER EN EL TEATRO? = Did you enjoy yourselves at the theater yesterday?
BAJÉ AL SALÓN, LEÍ EL PRIÓDICO Y ESCRIBÍ UNA CARTA = I came down to the drawing-room,read the paper, and wrote a letter
CUANDO ENTRÉ, MI PADRE ESCRIBÍA UNA CARTA = = When I came in, my father was writing a letter
MI MADRE ENTRÓ EN EL COMIDOR Y ME VIO = My mother entered the dinning-room and saw me
VINE A COMPRAR UNA CERVEZA = I came to buy a beer
LE DIERON DOS CERVEZAS = They gave him two beers
HICIMOS CUANTO PUDIMOS PARA PERSUADIRLES= = We did what we could to persuade them
LE DIMOS TODO LO QUE TENÍAMOS = We give him all that we had
¿VINO ALGUIEN A VERME MIENTRAS ESTABA FUERA? = Did anybody call to see me while I was out?
¿FUÉ USTED. ALLÍ A CABALLO? = Did you go there on horseback?
¿RELAMPAGUEÓ AYER? = Did it lighten yesterday?
¿FUÉ USTED A PIÉ A LA CIUDAD? = Did you go to town on foot?
CUANDO USTED. VOLVÍO, ERA MUY TARDE = When you came back, it was very late
CREÍ QUE USTED. SABÍA FRANCÉS Y ALAMÁN = I thought you knew French and German
LE VIMOS EL DOMINGO PASADO POR LA MAÑANA = We saw him last Sunday morning
¿RECIBÍO USTED. NOTICIAS DE SU PADRE AYER POR LA MAÑANA? = Did you here from your father yesterday morning?
ME DIJO QUE LO SABÍA DE CIERTO = He told me he knew it for certain